Nobody want to deal with trailer sway, as even on a dry straight road it can still cause significant problems. This is where trailer sway devices come in handy. There are two different types, those that reduce sway and those that work to prevent sway altogether. Aside from trailer sway devices there are some things that you can keep in mind to help reduce trailer sway as you are traveling.
Hitch Selection
Determine which kind of hitch is the best one for pulling what you need to pull. It is recommended that as little as 12% and no more than 15% or the trailers weight be resting on the tow hitch. Choosing the right hitch is the first step in sway control and the best way to eliminate trailer sway control. The most common types of hitches are friction hitches, hydraulic hitches and weight distributing hitches. Choosing the right type of hitch is going to help you better control what your pulling and offer trailer sway prevention.
Weight Distribution
Having the weight distributed correctly is highly important in eliminating and controlling trailer sway. Proper weight distribution not only prevents it, but also makes correcting trailer sway easier as well. Distribution systems are helpful when it comes to towing trailers that weigh more than 50% or half of the vehicles weight. Always follow the weight ratings on the weight distribution systems to ensure that they can properly handle the load.
Using a quality braking system can help with the process of correcting trailer sway. A quality breaking system is the best tool when coupled with a secure trailer. The brake system on the vehicle should be working properly, but unless the trailer’s brake system is working properly there’s a big possibility you will face trailer sway. Thoroughly inspect both brake systems before each road trip to ensure they are functioning properly.
It is important to understand how to correct trailer sway if you do experience it. Some people will steer into the sway. This is not ideal since it can cause the trailer to sway even more. Rather than trying to turn into the sway, try your best to turn the wheel just enough to keep the trailer from swaying more. Turn the wheel slightly so that the swaying gently stops and the trailer begins traveling straight.
Now that you know more about preventing and correcting trailer sway it should be easier to make decisions based on what type of trailer you have, what type of transport vehicle you have and how far you are going. Consider carefully and always remember inspect all parts of the trailer, the towing hitch and the tow vehicle prior to leaving to ensure the safety of you and those traveling around you.