For most outdoor projects to succeed, the choice of required vehicles must be done carefully, knowing that using the wrong vehicle can easily compromise the quality of work. It is therefore important to determine the scope of work before deciding to either purchase or hire a vehicle to accomplish your project. Given the high cost of acquiring such vehicles, many people and organizations have always found it convenient to hire them when the need arises. With the ever-increasing demand for project vehicles in almost every sector, engaging a logistics company has proven to be the most appropriate method to execute your project swiftly. There is a need to consider that most logistics companies will exclude the burden of fuelling, hence compelling you to rely on a company that offers commercial fuel services. The aspect of fueling is crucial as it can determine how much money you end up spending on your project. It would therefore help if you chose to work with a company that offers fair fuel prices as well as reasonable discounts.
Common Vehicles Used in the Construction Industry
There is no doubt that construction is probably one of the most vibrant industries in the world today. With a general increase in population, the need to build more houses and roads cannot be overlooked. To make construction work easier, a wide range of vehicles have been invented to meet various construction needs. Through the Kawasaki dealership, sophisticated construction vehicles have been manufactured to streamline construction work. It is a well-known fact that a typical construction site is always buzzing with activities. Some of the most common activities that you expect to find taking place on a construction site include; excavation, dumping, transportation of materials, and dumping. For most of these tasks to be accomplished, there is a need to access a wide range of construction equipment and vehicles. Here are some of the most common vehicles that a construction site cannot do without:
· Cranes-For any major construction project to go on well, it is crucial to have a crane on site. Since cranes are made of cables and pulleys, they are usually useful in lowering and lifting loads too heavy for a forklift or a human being to move. Besides lowering and lifting heavy loads, cranes are also useful in moving loads in a horizontal direction. A crane can either be mobile or static; mobile cranes rely on their big wheels for movement and support while holding a heavy load.
· Excavators-For a successful groundbreaking process, every construction site must have an excavator. This is especially the case when dealing with a mega-construction project that requires a high degree of excavation. A typical excavator is made up of a dipper, a cab, a boom, and a bucket. Excavators come in different shapes and sizes. The smaller ones are known as mini excavators, and they are used for executing smaller or medium-sized projects. Whether you intend to dig trenches, holes, or foundations, an excavator can help you finish any of the mentioned tasks in record time. Before making any investment in a piece of land that you have acquired, it is important to have title insurance to protect you from any title defects that might arise.
· Concrete mixer truck-In any major construction project, a time comes when the need for concrete becomes so high that it becomes difficult for the workers on-site to prepare this mixture on their own adequately. Industrial supply is therefore required to meet this high need. Therefore, a concrete mixer truck is the best solution for mixing cement, sand, and gravel in large quantities. A typical mixer truck consists of a revolving drum positioned at the back of the track and is usually powered by an inbuilt generating system. It is important to note that a portable concrete mixer is preferred to cut expenses for small amounts of concrete.
· Bulldozer-Just like the name suggests, a bulldozer is a strong tractor with a resilient blade that acts like one of the most important truck part of this vehicle. A bulldozer is useful in moving large rock boulders, sand, and soil to create a conducive working environment. Considering their wide tracks, bulldozers can be used in virtually any terrain. Their wide tracks allow them to have a firm grip on whichever surface they are expected to operate on. If you are stranded on how to clear a new site to allow for the commencement of construction, you should not hesitate to hire a bulldozer. One major advantage of a bulldozer is that it can also dig shallow trenches and any form of depression that is not supposed to be deep.
· Dump truck-It is characteristic for every construction site to have an inherent need for dumping waste materials in the form of debris. A dump truck is the best vehicle for performing this duty; most dump trucks are designed to automatically dispose of the debris by raising the bucket at the press of a button. There are many types of dump trucks; the most common include; off-road dump trucks, transfer dump trucks, side dump trucks, and standard dump trucks. The type of terrain that you are operating on will ultimately determine the kind of dump truck you will have to use.
· Grader-This type of construction vehicle is most commonly used in road construction. A grader comes in handy when there is a need to flatten a particular surface or remove any form of dirt that might compromise the smoothness of a road surface. Through a low truck rental company, you stand a chance of getting an exceptional grader that will serve to simplify your grading work.
· Loaders- Loaders are ideal for loading construction materials into trucks for transport purposes. Loaders are also used to move construction materials to the site; they can be wheeled or designed with tracks. Wheeled loaders resemble mobile shovels, which are useful in transferring materials to different locations.
Effective Strategies to Manage Construction Vehicles
Whether you own construction vehicles or rely on hiring them from a logistics company, the fact remains that there has to be proper management if they are to be used for an extended period. It is common knowledge that the cost involved in repairing most construction vehicles is usually high, and without an experienced hand to oversee the repair process, more damage can be caused. Because of this, nothing should be left to chance when it comes to adequately managing construction vehicles. Remember that it is cheaper to service construction vehicles regularly than to repair them due to unexpected breakdowns. Here are useful tips to help in managing construction vehicles;
· Know the capacity of your construction vehicle-Every contractor is always looking forward to accomplishing their work in record time. However, this desire should not be used as an excuse to use vehicles carelessly. Remember that failure to adhere to the manufacturer’s guidelines regarding how a construction vehicle is supposed to be used can gradually reduce a vehicle’s performance. One of the common ways construction vehicles are misused is overloading; this action interferes with the parts of a construction vehicle. It is prompting
· Premature wear and tear of most of the movable parts. In the unfortunate event that vehicle parts have to be replaced, it is always advisable to use genuine spare parts. Remember that using spares that are not designed for a particular construction vehicle can raise compatibility problems and compromise the smooth operation of other parts.
· Conduct inspections immediately after use-Considering the rigorous work that most construction vehicles are usually subjected to, it is important to assess them immediately after use. It is easy to assume that, simply because a construction vehicle is moving, it is in good shape. In reality, most mechanical problems develop gradually, and failure to deal with them swiftly might lead to more complicated problems. Assessing the condition of a construction vehicle is not an easy task since most parts are usually hidden or covered with a casing. To avoid having to guess whether a construction vehicle is in good shape or not, an automated asset management system happens to be one of the best ways to detect any problem that a construction vehicle might have experienced after use.
· Give your operators the right training. Operators play a huge role in ensuring that construction vehicles are in good condition. A well-trained operator will avoid misuse and adhere to every requirement as instructed by the manufacturers. Effective operator training should not be limited to; manual reviews for the vehicle assigned to them, regular preventive maintenance reviews, and testing to ascertain that an operator has fully understood what is expected from them.
· Perform routine maintenance-The need to maintain construction vehicles regularly cannot be emphasized enough. Nothing is more dangerous than postponing vehicle maintenance until a problem occurs. It is always safe to design a routine maintenance schedule and ensure that it is followed strictly.
What Are the Benefits of Preventive Maintenance of Construction Vehicles?
Most of the activities on a construction site require a significant amount of effort and power. If the vehicles used in actualizing construction works are not well maintained, then there are high chances that they will not serve for an extended period. Most contractors who have conducted preventive maintenance on their vehicles will attest that they were able to benefit in multiple ways. Here are some of the most outstanding benefits that come with preventive maintenance of construction vehicles;
· Saves money-It will interest you to know that preventive maintenance can save up to 40% of cost overrun on your construction project. Construction vehicles that are well maintained will save you the stress of prolonged downtime, interfering with the construction timetable and leading to unnecessary expenses. Additionally, engines that are not properly maintained can use abnormal quantities of fuel, which will dramatically increase their cost of operation. Since every contractor intends to profit from the construction project they are handling, it is advisable to use construction vehicles maintained regularly.
· Improves safety-Nothing poses a more danger to the safety of an operator than a faulty construction vehicle. Remember that a vehicle is a bad mechanical state and can come to a sudden stop without prior warning. Such a scenario can make it difficult for an operator to control the vehicle, putting their lives in danger. With regular maintenance, workers can control the vehicles they are operating, minimizing the chances of being involved in an accident. Remember that accidents involving construction vehicles can turn out to be fatal to the extent that life is lost and property worth millions is destroyed.
· Protects insurance coverage-Anytime your vehicle is involved in an accident, it is your right to get compensated by your insurer. However, this can only happen once the insurance company has proven beyond reasonable doubt that the accident was not a result of neglect or failure to put in place the safety measures required. Through preventive maintenance, your construction vehicles will always be in good condition, hence minimizing the possibility of an accident. In the unfortunate event that an accident occurs, it will be because of an unavoidable circumstance. This will make it easier to receive compensation from your insurer.
· Ensures efficiency-Efficiency is a critical element in every construction project. No matter how well you have planned a construction project, the ultimate success will be determined by the performance of the machinery and equipment. Construction vehicles play a huge role in the entire construction process. They facilitate faster movement of materials and streamline the process of executing rate-limiting steps like excavation. When construction vehicles are not well maintained, there is a high chance that they may stall and cause unnecessary wastage of time. Through preventive maintenance, such scenarios are minimized since the vehicles are always in good condition.
The role played by construction vehicles on a construction site cannot be underestimated. These vehicles make it easy for contractors to accomplish their projects in record time without compromising the quality of work. To ensure that construction work is not affected by faulty vehicles, it is critical to ensure that regular maintenance is carried out for the wide range of construction vehicles.