GPS has been around for a long time; in fact, GPS was first introduced in automobiles all the way back in 1996 if you can believe it or not. When somebody is on the road for long hours and a company has concerns or a vehicle has gone missing and is not back, vehicle tracking equipment can be a beneficial type of GPS fleet tracking that will help them maintain an eye on their workers when lives could be in danger.
GPS tracking solutions have been used in Canada for quite some time now because of the conditions that truckers endure when they are driving in Canada. It is not unheard of for a driver to get lost on these roads when weather is rough and the snow continues to pile up in certain areas. This is where vehicle tracking equipment can play a huge role in the livelihood of a business and help workers get home safely.
GPS is especially important in areas where Canada experiences the most snow, as vehicles will be able to use this vehicle tracking equipment to tell where they are at and where they need to go while on the job. Montreal, for instance, has reported rough conditions across their part of the country. They say that, within 5 days, snow removal takes place and most of the snow is removed. This means that many workers are taking on some of the biggest projects they could have ever expected. The greatest snowfall that was ever recorded in Canada took place in 1999 when 145 cm of snow dropped down over the area, which caused many truck drivers to work to remove the white stuff as quickly as possible.
Tracking devices are used in many ways across Canada and not just for workers. According to recent statistics, between the years 2012-2014, over 126,000 vehicles were reported across Canada. Many of these vehicles were stolen with the keys inside.
Running a trucking company can be difficult work, especially if vehicles go missing or workers need to navigate through high snows in areas that they are unfamiliar with. Because of this, GPS tracking is something that may companies should consider so that they can continue to increase safety on-the-job for many workers and maintain their equipment at all times.