May is considered graduation season for many. Both high schoolers and college students are graduating, and moving onto either additional college or the working world. This season of graduation is also a common gifting time. Many parents will consider purchasing their graduate a new vehicle. Giving a vehicle as a gift is considered a useful gift, as it will help them transport to their new college or place of employment. As you begin your vehicle shopping process, keep the following suggestions in mind for your new graduate.
Vehicle safety
Vehicle safety is probably one of your highest priorities in selecting a vehicle for your graduate. Whether they are going to the local college or travelling across the country to an out of state college, you want something that will give them safety. Look for used Fords or cars for sale that have additional safety features. Some safety features include detection monitors, rear view cameras, and automated notifications. A lot of technology improvement in newer cars is specifically designed to increase the safety of the vehicle. In 2015, 54% of used cars were three years old or younger, Edmunds.com reports. With so many newer used vehicles on the market, it is possible to find used Fords with the increased safety features.
Vehicle durability
In addition to safety, durability is another important vehicle feature. In many cases, they actually go hand in hand. When a vehicle is more durable, it holds up better in auto accidents, also providing additional safety. Because drivers will keep a car for an average of 71.4 months, or about 6 years, it is usually best to purchase something that is durable from the start. When visiting local used car dealerships, always request information about the durability of a vehicle. The salesperson can recommend some of the best and highest rated durable vehicles on the lot. It is also important, however, to do your own research on durability. If your child will be commuting many miles in their college or career transition, durability is an even more important factor. You do not want them to break down in a new city, with little help.
Vehicle price
Although price is often not as important as safety and durability, it is a factor for many buyers. Most parents prefer to purchase something used for their child?s first vehicle. They will likely only drive it for a few years, as they make it through college or as they begin their transition into the career world. Eventually, they will replace the vehicle with something that they purchase on their own. Fortunately, you can find many affordable vehicles today. Begin your shopping on the internet, at local auto dealerships, or at local used car lots. If you are looking for a specific make and model, like used Fords, it may be helpful to visit a local used auto dealer that specializes in used Ford vehicles.
If you are going to purchase a used vehicle, however, it may be beneficial to purchase something that is certified. Purchasing a certified vehicle from the local truck dealerships ensures that your purchase is protected. Most certifications cover any vehicle maintenance or problems for a specific number of years, or miles. However, if your child will be travelling out of state for work or college, remember to request information about maintenance and the certification warranty as it applies to out of state travel. More and more used car buyers are learning of the benefits of certified used vehicles and sales numbers are increasing. Sales of certified pre owned cars hit a record in 2015 and have climbed 55% in the last 5 years.
Many parents are sending their children off to college or into a career this fall. Graduation is a time of celebration and gift giving. As you begin looking for that perfect used vehicle for your child?s graduation gift, remember to find something that is durable, safe, and certified used. Doing your research ahead of time can ensure that you pick something that is a great gift and will be a safe choice for your child as they pursue life opportunities.