New Cars vs Used Cars — Which is Better?


Volkswagen los angeles

Aside from finally closing on your first home, there is probably no other single purchase in your life than driving of a local car dealer’s lot in a brand new automobile. But increasing fuel and automobile prices have put new automobiles out of the reach of many average Americans.

However, when typical working Americans are able to swing the monthly payments required to take ownership of a brand new car, many are opting for smaller, more fuel-efficient foreign models. Even though Asian automobiles are the most popular import autos today, Volkswagen might be the most iconic foreign brand among Americans. After all, you’d be hard-pressed to find more instantly recognizable automobiles than the Volkswagen Beetle, or the especially groovy Kumbi.

While it remains to be seen if the late model Volkswagens you find at local car dealers will become the classics of their predecessors, they are still among the more popular models on the lots of most new and used car dealers. This is because it’s what’s under the hood that counts. And while the aesthetics have changed, the reliability and durability seems to still be there.

The reason that Volkswagens still fly off the lots of new car dealers and used car dealers is the same reason that they became popular among Americans during the 1960s and 1970s. They offer ample power, style, comfort, and economy in one reliable package. Thus, if you have your heart set on either a new or used Volkswagen, once they become available on car dealer websites or local dealership lots, you better hurry and snatch it up.

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