A used car can be a great deal. Everyone knows that a new car immediately drops in value once you drive it off the car dealership’s parking lot. Does this mean that you’re stuck with what you have unless you want to buy a new vehicle? Not necessarily. Just about any vehicle, from a 2013 Genesis coupe front bumper to a 2006 Chevy side rails, can be updated with a car body kit. Here’s what the average consumer needs to know.
What Are Car Body Kits and How Are They Applied?
A car body kit is applied to a personal vehicle after purchase to improve the exterior’s appearance. The customer may choose to use after market parts or manufacturer parts for the job. While it is possible to make changes to the vehicle interior, that is not what this article will focus on. For simplicity, let’s use a 2013 Hyundai Genesis body kit as an example.
Is This a Do-It-Yourself Job Or Best Left to the Professionals?
You don’t want to mess up your 2013 Genesis coupe front bumper or side rails with amateur efforts. While there are certainly shinier and newer cars on the road, it is definitely achievable to put a little extra shine on your used vehicle. Therefore, it is usually recommended that car owners bring their vehicle to an auto body shop to install a body kit.
An auto body shop is preferable for this job for a few reasons. One, there is a degree of precision required, which can be frustrating for many people. If you personally love work that requires intense focus and attention to detail, go right ahead. If not, a reliable auto body shop will have the tools and manpower to do the job well.
Choosing Between OEM and OE Parts: Make an Informed Decision.
The next step, or the first step for those who love their research, is to choose a body kit. It is essential for car owners to choose the kit for the vehicle they have, over choosing a kit that they like the look of instead. This means buying a car kit for a 2013 Genesis coupe front gear and such, not for a 2011 Hyundai Sonata.
Often times the vehicle owner will need to purchase parts from an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) instead of original equipment. OE is generally regarded as better, however this is simply a case of getting supplies directly from the source. Again, if your vehicle is more than a few years old OEM parts are usually used.
Adding a body kit to your used car can be fun. It won’t make your vehicle into a newer model of course. Having some work done will make your older model look fresh again. Appreciate the car you have by fixing up the exterior. Whether you have a 2013 Genesis coupe front chrome bumper or shiny new side rails, your car will look closer to new after you have a body kit installed. Just make sure the work is undertaken by a skilled auto worker and that the correct body kit is ordered.