A car accident can bring damage in all sorts of ways. Not only can you suffer emotional and psychological trauma, you likely have some kind of bodily injuries to battle with as well. And that’s not taking into consideration the physical damage to your car!
While you should take care of yourself and your personal wellbeing first (this includes seeking medical treatment, psychiatric help, and legal compensation with an auto accident lawyer if applicable), you will eventually have to address the damage to your car. Fortunately, or perhaps, unfortunately, collision repair services are a common offering at most autobody shops.
You should take your car into a shop right away to prevent any further damage.
Most importantly, you must take care of yourself in the days and weeks following an accident. Take plenty of time to rest and recover. Even if you don’t feel any physical injuries or damage, you may be experiencing trauma or other psychological and emotional stress from the incident. Be kind to yourself and take it easy. Lean on friends, family, and other supports to help you as you heal and recover.